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Ezra Pound (1885-1972)


A Few Poems
Includes excerpts from the Cantos and the translations of Li Po

Kybernekyia: A Hypervortext of Ezra Pound's Canto LXXXI

The Academy of American Poets (audio)
7 poems, including Canto I with the audio file of Pound's reading.
Biography, bibliography, links.

On the Ezra Pound / Marshall McLuhan Correspondence


Short Biography

Electronic Poetry Center - Sunny Buffalo
Good bibiography of Pound's publications.

Pound Page @ Kobe University
Quick life time table, good bibliography of criticism on Pound, links.

A collection of critical, historical, and biographical information

PAL : Perspectives in American Literature
Excellent bibliography, includes critical works on Pound.

Manuscript Collections
Information on the collection at the Lilly Library of Indiana University.